
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Add sexy bookmarks v3 to your blog

1) Login to Blogger Account
2) Go to Design > Edit Html
3) Check Expand Widgets (Tick it)
4) Find </head> tag and Add below code before </head> tag.

<script src=
type=text/javascript />
<link href=
rel=stylesheet type=text/css />
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery(.sexy-bookmarks a.external).attr("target", "_blank");
    var sexyBaseHeight = jQuery(.sexy-bookmarks).height();
    var sexyFullHeight = jQuery(.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials).height();
    if (sexyFullHeight > sexyBaseHeight) {

        function() {
            height: sexyFullHeight + 15 + px
        }, {
            duration: 800,
            queue: false
        }, function() {
            height: sexyBaseHeight + px
        }, {
            duration: 800,
            queue: false
    if (jQuery(.sexy-bookmarks-center)) {
        var sexyFullWidth = jQuery(.sexy-bookmarks).width();
        var sexyBookmarkWidth = jQuery(.sexy-bookmarks:first ul.socials li).width();
        var sexyBookmarkCount = jQuery(.sexy-bookmarks:first ul.socials li).length;
        var numPerRow = Math.floor(sexyFullWidth / sexyBookmarkWidth);
        var sexyRowWidth = Math.min(numPerRow, sexyBookmarkCount) * sexyBookmarkWidth;
        var sexyLeftMargin = (sexyFullWidth - sexyRowWidth) / 2;
        jQuery(.sexy-bookmarks-center).css(margin-left, sexyLeftMargin + px);

5) Add bellow code after <data:post.body/> tag and Save your template.If you find more than 1 <data:post.body/> tag,then add the code before the first <data:post.body/> tag.

<b:if cond=data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;>
<div id=post-width-w2b style=width:600px;>
 <div class=sexy-bookmarks-bg-caring  sexy-bookmarks sexy-bookmarks-expand sexy-bookmarks-center >
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6) Change width:600px with your post width.
7) Change sexy-bookmarks-bg-caring with following one that your wish.

Many many thanks to shareholic and harish.

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