From the creators of some of the greatest guitars ever to grace the rock stage Gadgetshop has come across an iconic, dream fulfilling masterpiece....The Power Tour Electric Guitar. Never before has it been easier to strum a power chord. And not just any power chord. With the Power Tour Guitar users brandish the rocking potential that would see the likes of Eddie Van Halen, Jimmy page and Slash, go week at the knees.
Whether youre a rock legend in the making, or musically incompetent, the Power Tour Guitar is capable of creating an incredible sound. Styled to look like the Gibson SG electric guitar, this portable instrument features a built-in speaker and dual-function knobs that let you add cool effects to your sound and enable tone selection that suits your playing style - including metal, punk, rock and indie.
The guitar incorporates a specially designed strum sensor which means there are no strings and no plectrum needed to play. Simply strum your fingers across the bridge and sensors will pick up the speed and direction of the motion; the guitar responding by emitting an immense power chord.
Theres also a mode that teaches you how to play the guitar. Simply follow the lights and youll be pounding out power chords, shredding leads, and rocking right out of the box. Learn to play six different rock classics, including "Wild Thing" and "Smoke on the Water." Connect the guitar to your MP3 player (not included) and strum along to your favourite tunes, or rock out solo and compose your own monster anthem!
Youve never rocked this hard, this easy!
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