Although the 1050 SW is newer than the 1030 SW, dont let the numerical sequence fool you. The 1030 SW succeeds the 790 SW while the not quite as tough 1050 SW replaces the 770 SW. What you really need to know is that the 1050 doesnt match up to the 1030s capability to withstand pretty much anything you can throw at it (or throw it at).
While the 1050 SW is shockproof to 5 feet, waterproof to 10 feet and freeze proof to 14 degrees Fahrenheit, the 1030 SW beats on all counts and adds a few extras. You can drop the latter from a height of 6.6 feet, take it underwater to a depth of 33 feet, haul it out in 14 degree weather and attempt to crush it with up to 220 pounds of pressure. A 3.6x wide angle zoom lens with a 35mm equivalent focal range of 28mm-102mm also sets it apart from its siblings.
You only have to look at and hold the metal-bodied 1030 SW to start believing that this compact camera is rugged enough to withstand everything Olympus promises. At the same time, the camera is attractively designed at 3.7 inches by 2.4 inches by 0.8 inch and 6.8 ounces fully loaded, its compact enough to carry in your pocket while youre hiking up the side of a mountain or around your wrist while diving a shipwreck or a garden of coral and pretty fish.

Gaskets and O-rings, as long as you maintain them, will keep out water, snow, sand, dirt and other assorted tiny debris that would wreak havoc with more vulnerable digital cameras. Like most snapshot cameras, the 1030 SW lacks an optical viewfinder. But its 2.7 inch, 230K-dot LCD features a wide angle of view and, with its five step brightness adjustment, can be tweaked to work reasonably well under most conditions.
If youre diving in dark environments East Coast shipwrecks come to mind you may have some problems viewing the display. But midsummer swimming pool conditions with bright sunlight overhead improves the LCDs underwater usability.
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